Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Our Story...

This post is dedicated to my sweet love...Obed! My Boyfriend and my best friend. We met 5 years ago in the Orientation Week @ UPR-Mayaguez. He approached to me in the food area at the Pool Party, and introduced himself: "Hola, Me llamo Obed! Cuantas veces te han dicho q tienes unos ojos brutales?"(Hi, My name is Obed. how many times did somebody has tell you that you have a gorgeous eyes?). He was cute (still is ^_^). But he just wanted a new friend with cool eyes and I had a 5-yr-almost-wedding boyfriend.

That week, we shared a lot of cool moments and became friends...In those years were when the "La Tribu" was born. Our crazy group of friends, all different but so loved...but that's another post. Anyways, after several months, breaking up with my BF and gotten my heart broken...Something clicked inside me: "Am I in love with my friend?"

The internal fight began:"You can't be in love w/ your friend, I mean, HE'S YOUR FRIEND!!", and the inner fear of :"What if it doesn't work out and I loose a friend?". But, I give up...I preferred his friendship. We continue our friendship...but that wasn't the only thing that God wants us to continue...then...something clicked!

I remember the feeling when he took my hand the first time. It was a Thursday, Dec 6, 2001 (yeap, I have an excellent memory ;) ). We were looking for a friend of ours, his roommate. We were walking near Mayaguez Town plaza when he grabbed my hand...My heart stooped for a moment and then the fight started: " It means nothing, don't get your hopes up...but why it feels so different?...As the next days came...I confirmed...IT was different. The 10th arrived, and the first Tribu Xmas Party...after everyone left...He decided to stay and helped me clean a little bit...Sitting in my sofa...talking...our hands kept finding each other...until he grabbed mine and started playing with it. My heart melted...we kept like that, talking holding hands, wondering what would happened next...until we realize that it was 7am already!!!!

And Dec 12 arrived...And we didn't know what was happening..."Is this for real?". Several times that day we found in front of each other, looking into our eyes...and just kept walking. Until, we sat to talk and he asked me:"What a kiss would mean to you?" and I told hem:"The beginning of something, something or the end of something" And we kissed!...

Five years have passed of that kiss, and I still get butterflies when we kiss. We are pretty much a normal couple, with our ups and downs...but MORE ups than downs. He lets me grow, lets me spread my wings, lets me dream. He encourages me to be better, to be strong, but at the same time he is so tender and loving. I can't say I love him like the first day, because we both have grown and changed through these years. I love him more...I love him differently...I LOVE HIM!

So, Baby, Ob, My best friend, my love, THANKS for these years, for the good times and the bad ones too (it helped us mature). Thanks for your love, your support, and your words, even If I don't want to hear them. Thanks for being you...Thanks for LOVING ME...THANKS.....I LOVE YOU


Friday, December 08, 2006

Navidades en Puerto Rico

"Ya se oye el murmullo de una brisa suave, son los aires frescos de las navidades..."

Ya llegaron las NAVIDADES MAS LARGAS DEL MUNDO! Asi si es senores, las Navidades Puertorriqueñas! Desde principios de Noviembre se podia ver las decoraciones navideñas en todas las tiendas. Las personas esperaban con ansias el fin de semana de Accion de Gracias para empezar decorar sus casas. Decoraciones q muestran el majarete cultural q ahora vivimos y q nos hace Unicos. Desde muñecos de nieves inflables, las tradicionales bombillitas de colores hasta los "Santa Clós" vestidos para la nieve en este clima tropical. Todo en Uno. Pero logran mezclarse con el coquito, los pasteles y los Reyes de una forma peculiar y a lo puertorriqueño.

Para mi son las mejores Navidades del Mundo. El espiritu de los Puertorriqueños resurge durante esta epoco. Nos olvidamos de los conflictos politicos y sociales y nos hacemos sentir como una verdadera Isla Unida. El friito se cuela por la venta, pero es un frio tolerable, y hasta te pone en el mood de navidad. El olor a pino de los arboles naturales es indispensable en mi decoracion. La musica, ese sonido del Cuatro con las maracas, el guiro y las pleneras...al ritmo del 6chorreao y aguinaldos, le encienden el espiritu a cualquier Boricua. Ufff, y no podemos olvidar la comida, la comida tipica, q surge con furror para este epoca...

Arroz con Gandules,

Los pasteles,

el lechoncito,

la morcilla

el arroz con dulce...Ummm...

el coquito, pitorro y otras bebidas tipicas...Delicias boricuas, tipicas de nuestra cultura y q marcan la epoca navideña.

Como les iba diciendo, antes de irme en el viaje de la comida, empezamos las Navidades desde noviembre. Decoramos como si fueran las ultimas Navidades q vamos a pasar. Celebramos la noche buena el 24 de diciembre y la llegada de Santa Clo (o el niñito Jesus para otros) el 25, casi siempre con parrandas y Una gran cena familiar. Luego, entre parrandas y comidas, llegamos al 31, la despedida de año. Y los "petardos", las luces de bengalas, las "basucas" (tubo hecho de latas de aluminio, q se usa para hacer ruidos como de una fuerte explosion) y fuegos artificiales marcan el fin del año y la llegada del nuevo. Y entre visitas a familiares y amigos q no vemos "desde el año pasado", seguimos la rumba hasta la vispera de Reyes (Enero 5), en donde los niños (y los no tan niños) salen al patio a recojer la yerba para los caballos (o camellos dependiendo d q parte de Puerto Rico eres). Para q al dia siguiente descubramos q se comieron la yerba y q nos dejaron los regalos esperados. Ese dia, la familia vuelve a reunirse, mientras los primos se comparten y muestran los nuevos juguetas, se come un poco mas de nuestra comida tipica. Pero hay quienes, aun despues de Reyes se quedan celebrando 8 dias mas, las famosas Octavitas, q culminan con las Fiestas de La Calle San Sebastian en el Viejo San Juan. Dandole fin a las Navidades...casi a finales de Enero...quizas, ultima probadita de cosas tipicas para muchos, hasta las proximas Navidades, en donde comienza el ciclo de nuevo. A principios de Noviembre...No te dije q son las mas LARGAS??!???!!!?!?

Si nunca has venido a las isla, te lo estas perdiendo. Si deseas venir, procura preguntar por todo esto q te digo, de participar de cada uno de estos momento, para que no te pierdas ni una parranda, ni un plato de comida, nada. Tienes q participar en todo, para q sepas como son en realidad LAS NAVIDADES DE PUERTO RICO...LAS NAVIDADES MAS LARGAS DEL MUNDO!

Monday, November 27, 2006


Yesterday, after 12 years of absence, Aerosmith (my FAVORITE BAND - may I add) had a concert in Puerto Rico. Me, of course had to be there...so there I went! I'm a member of the AeroforceOne, the band fan club (yeah, I'm a groupie, but only for them) since 1993. So, as soon I found out that they were coming...I got the tickets through the fan page. The seats were great...second row on the left side of the stage.

The show was great! Some people complained about they not singing some of the "known" hits. For me, a true fan, everything went PERFECT. The night began with the local band Vivanativa. but their performance where shut because they didn't want to get out of the stage, literally. After the traditional wait for change equipment, a Grey curtain was covering the stage...a mix of more recent hits were played at the same time a slide show was presenting group photos...
They opened the show with Toys in the attic, an oldie, followed by Walking the Dog...
They sang Eat The Rich, Cryin', What It Takes, Baby Please, Stop Messin', Seasons of Wither. This last one was sang from the finished of the catwalk...
and a mix of snow and laser beams made it perfect! It was followed by Dream On, also played in the catwalk. Back to Saddle, Devil's got a new disguise (a new single), Livin' on the Edge, Sweet Emotion, Draw The Line. After this one, they made a false exit, to come back minutes later and sang ..Love in the Elevator and their signature guitar opening...Walk This Way.

Some of the people here complained about how short it was (1 hour and 45 min approx) and the set list. Yeap, it could be true...after waiting for 12 years to see them again, you want only your favorites. But the selection is part of the tour theme and they were also hits but a little old. I LOVED THE CONCERT...no matter what! I was so close of them...I couldn't believe it! I have to see the photos and small videos that I took that they to believe it! It was surreal! ...But Worth every PENNY!

Here are some photos...

Well...I found a way to describe the hole thing....MasterCard Add style!
Aerosmith Fan Club membership: $60
Second Row Tickets Package:$500
Gas to go from Mayaguez To Cupey and Tren Urbano Trip from Cupey to Hato Rey: $13
See your Favorite band-Aerosmith-LIVE: Priceless

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I had a Nintendo Entretainment System

This weekend was a weekend of bliss for all the Hardcore gamers: Two major consoles were released - Nintendo Wii and PS3. Each one with its unique set of mind-blowing features, from wireless connectivity to gyro-motion sensors. Each one promises to make a big leap on the gaming world. Being a player myself, this is a very anticipated moment. Which made me think about how this "world", the gaming world has evolved...and I've been there since almost the beginning...I HAD a Nintendo Entertainment System.

Yeap, and proud of it! I played the real console. Not the emulator on the PC or PSP. 8-bit gaming, text-base "movies", 6-option controllers! I played Mario, Duck Hunt, the original Metal Gear, Contra, and my favorite THE LEGEND OF ZELDA! They required a lot of imagination to play them...but how cool we thought they were and how many hours did we "lose" playing them...

Do you remember this Screen?

Or This one?
Didn't you hate that dog...and try to shoot him?

And my ultimate-all-time-favorite... THE LEGEND OF ZELDA!

Years have passed and the games don't look the same anymore. I still play them...well I have a game cube now, a DSLite and a Game boy SP...Yeap still a Nintendo girl, as long as they own the Zelda rights. I just love that guy!..hehehe. I know everyone is waiting to have a PS3, I'm just dying to try the wiimote and have the nintendo-gyromotion-wireless expirence...What can I say? I'm a Nintendo Girl!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


To those who know me, you'll know that I'm part of a Group called La Tribu (The Tribe). And you may wonder...What is that?....Well, here it is a well deserved TRIBUte to true friendship, to family...To us!


2001 was the year, July the month...The day...Well it doesn't matter any more. We were a wild bunch, some of us knew each other...The other...Well we were just helping Madeline with the crazy idea of a themed conference to make it more interesting...I was a former 4th year student (ok, It was my 5th year). I worked w/ Madeline training our "collaborators" in the Freshmen Week. It was Madeline's first time as counselor and my 4th working in this (Quite a couple!). She just recruited this bunch of her "UNIV" students (Side Note: UNIV is a Freshmen class, taught by the Counselor, where you learn how to survive your college years). They were her "freshmen", her first group. So, you can guess they were special already. When I first saw them, I never knew...

They were my light at the end of the tunnel (no, no the one that comes from a train). They arrived in my live in the right moment, and without knowing it they changed me, for good. I was in a 5-years-almost-married relationship. I wasn't happy anymore, but if you have been in a long-term relation ship, you know it's hard to end it, no matter how sure you are it should end. You think things like: "My family already knows him and likes him", "How I'm going to tell everyone, our family, our friends?", or the worst "What if I'm wrong?". Thank God, I knew them during that time. That Freshmen week, I had a taste of the kind of Collage life that I wanted, and was not having. I like to say they "saved" me from being a Grumpy Girl, maybe married with somebody I didn't love, regretting...

So, from Freshmen Week 2001, and because we were like 15 crazy guys hanging together all the time, La Tribu was born. Some have left, some have been intagrated and are as if they were there from the begining. But, no matter what...We are LA TRIBU. If you know us you can see that we are the most different people you could ever meet, but we have so much in common. We could have fun just being together in the same place( no appliances needed), have intellectual discussion about politics and religion, or just laugh until everybody is crying or with stomach pain with the Korean Girls Video on Youtube...The best part? All of that without the influence of any drugs or alcohol...hehehe. We are just crazy and FUN loving people who loooove to be together.

Somebody once said that you made life-lasting friends during your Collage years. We are a living proof of that. Now, our lives are taking different paths, some are in Atlanta studying, others are working, others will be gone too. I was scared at first. But, then I realize that this kind of friendship couldn't be broken easily. You need more than distance to keep us apart...

So here is a TRIBUte to friendship, to family, to us...TRIBU, you know who you are...Thanks for the memories, the fun afternoons, the comfort when I was in despair, the movie nights, the Tribu-trips, the ice cream, the Tribu-parties, the support, the photos...THE FRIENDSHIP...THE INCONDITIONAL LOVE...THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!! ....I LOVE U ALL

Now...no TRIBUte is complete without some greatest Tribu moments. So here are some of the pictures:
^The first Tribu photo

^Having fun during a hurricane
^One of the many tribu dinners
^@Cabo Rojo's Placita
^@Aguadilla Ice Skating
^@Justas 2006
^@Toro Negro Rainforrest

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fallece Fico López

- Puerto Rico hoy llora la partida de uno de los grandes...Federico "Fico" Lopez. Ex- armador de la seleccion nacional de Baloncesto...Una gloria para Puerto Rico. Que descance en PAZ!! Aqui esta la noticia segun salio en el periodico El Nuevo Dia de ayer, Noviembre 6, 2006.

Fallece Fico Lopez
Por: Hiram Alberto Torraca/El Nuevo Dia
(Nov 6, 2006 - 10:38pm)

"EL EX ARMADOR de la Selección Nacional, Fico López falleció esta noche de un fulminante ataque cardiaco mientras participaba de una actividad deportiva en el Caparra Country Club.

Irónicamente, López murió en la cancha que lleva su nombre y donde recibió un merecido homenaje a principios de este año. También fue el lugar en donde comenzó sus pasos en el deporte a la edad de nueve años.

López fue uno de los principales jugadores del País en la década del ochenta y miembro del quinteto Nacional desde mediados de esa década al 1992.

En el 1990, fue escogido el mejor armador del Mundial celebrado en Argentina en el que Puerto Rico finalizó en la cuarta posición.

En el Baloncesto Superior Nacional, López fue un baluarte de los Mets de Guaynabo, formando junto a su cuñado Mario 'Quijote' Morales una de las parejas más productivas de la liga.

López se retiró en el 1995 luego de ganar un campeonato en el 1989 y varios subcampeonatos, el último en el 1993. Tras su retiro tuvo una breve incursión como dirigente de los Capitalinos de San Juan y en los últimos años se dedicó a trabajar con el talento joven y a dirigir el equipo master de Puerto Rico.

“Estoy muy triste... es un gran pérdida. A Fico lo conocí desde niño y era casi como un hijo para mí. Esto es algo que no quiero creer”, dijo el presidente de la Federación de Baloncesto de Puerto Rico, Hetin Reyes.

“Fico fue el armador por excelencia y la base de los mejores equipos y actuaciones que ha tenido Puerto Rico en su historia. Su llegada a la Selección en el 1985 junto a la explosión de Piculín Ortiz, nos llevó a otro nivel. Pero lo más importante es que fue un ser humano excepcional, un gran compañero y un caballero dentro y fuera de la cancha”, agregó Reyes con mucho pesar."

Friday, November 03, 2006

¿Me convertire en un cerebro q se fuga?

Quien a pasado por el departamento de Electrica y Computadoras a escuchado al profesor Jose Luis Cruz hablar de la famosa fuga de cerebros. ¿Qué es eso? Pues nada mas y nada menos q lo q ocurre masivamente cada mayo y/o cada diciembre en nuestro amado Colegio. Miles de estudiantes universitarios puertorriquenos, especialmente graduados en ingenieria, deben dejar su amada islita para buscar un mejor futuro en los Estados Unidos. Todo porque en su islita no existe terreno para ellos desarrollarese. So, se crea el fenomeno de la "Fuga de Cerebros".

Yo siempre he creido en el potencial de mi Isla para poder desarrollarse en el area de Nueva Tecnologia. Tanto asi q desidi quedarme y arriegarme aqui en la isla. Un cerebro menos q se fuga. Entre a trabajar a Commoca, Inc, una "high-tech start up", q en buen español seria una compania q esta empezando...un riesgo. Pero desde mi punto de vista una aventura! Mi salario no era el mejor pero es bueno. Pero q mejor satisfaccion q estar aportando a la economia puertorriqueña? Dos años y medio han pasado, y aqui estoy. Sintiendo q ya es hora de cambiar...pensando lo imaginable...convertirme en un cerebro q se fuga.

Me siento un poco estancada profesionalmente y creo q es tiempo de un cambio. Son muchas emociones juntas. Compre casa recientemente, tengo nuevo sobrino, mi papa se retiro, mi novio no a termindo...todas esas cosas vienen a la mente cuando uno tiene q tomar una desicion asi. Pero eso es normal, creo. Es un camino desconocido, algo nuevo, un nuevo comenzar...y por mas miedo q tenga necesito ese cambio. Tengo amigos en Atlanta...y es la ciudad q me llama la atencion. Tendre la oportunidad de visitarla este enero ( en pleno invierno) pero podre ver si me gusta o no, aunque no es lo mismo vivir alli.

So, ¿seré un cerebro q se fuga? No se aún, pero es una posibilidad q cada vez parece mas real. A lo mejor me toca ser un cerebreo q regresa. Uno de esos q se va para aprender como es la vida al otro lado y llenarse de cosas nuevas para luego regresar con mas heramientas para meter mano. Para aportar al país...es una buena forma de verlo...Pero aún queda la preg al aire, preg q solo Dios me contestara en el momento preciso, ni un minuto más ni uno menos...¿Seré un cerebro q se fuga?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Jorge's Surprise Visit

It was cloudy Sunday early afternoon, October 15th.... I was in my house waiting for my boyfriend and trying to figure it out where to brunch, when my phone rang. It was Jorge, my great friend Jorge. He was here!!! He desided to surprise us and take a short trip to Puerto Rico. It was so good to have him here... AGAIN!

Jorge like Vanessa, Goñi, Felix are part of our Wild-Bunch called "La Tribu" (The Tribe). They graduate on May 2006. Vane, Jorge and Goñi went to Altanta to continue their master studies @ Georgia Tech and Felix went to VA to work @ Freddi Mac. We missed them greatly...So it ALWAYS GOOD TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE OF THEM BACK!

It was refreshing to have him here. Having lunch with him @ Mayaguez Town Center, "hanging" @ Borders...Like the old times. It was short time...too short for me. But, soon we will be Reunited, All "Tribu", on Dec 23, 2006...@ Chris & Gisy's Wedding...I'm waiting anxiously for that!!!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Do you have Triskaidekaphobia or Paraskevidekatriaphobia ?

Today I woke up after a hard night. I got the flu..."La monga" and didn't have much sleep. So, my perfect remedy for insomnia? My beloved computer. I turned it on and just figure it out...It's Friday October the 13th! Of Course! That's what I feel so terrible...Then the question popped...Am I a Triskaidekaphobic or Paraskevidekatriaphobic? "What the heck is that?" You may ask...Well, like every phobia is an irrational fear but guess of what?...Yes, you got it...fear of Friday the 13th.

No, I'm neither Triskaidekaphobic nor Paraskevidekatriaphobic, but have you ever wonder where this phobia or myth come from?

The reasons why Friday come to be regarded as a day of bad luck have been obscured by the mists of time some of the more common theories link it to a significant event in Christian tradition said to have taken place on Friday, such as the Crucifixion, Eve's offering the apple to Adam, the beginning of the Great Flood, or the confusion at the Tower of Babel.

One of my favorites is the story of Loki, the Norse god : "Twelve gods were invited to a banquet at Valhalla. Loki, the Evil One, god of mischief, had been left off the guest list but crashed the party, bringing the total number of attendees to 13. True to character, Loki raised hell by inciting Hod, the blind god of winter, to attack Balder the Good, who was a favorite of the gods. Hod took a spear of mistletoe offered by Loki and obediently hurled it at Balder, killing him instantly. All Valhalla grieved. And although one might take the moral of this story to be "Beware of uninvited guests bearing mistletoe," the Norse themselves apparently concluded that 13 people at a dinner party is just plain bad luck."

Although most people think, the belief that Friday 13 is an unlucky day is not that old. It more like a 20th century invention. No matter what they say, the phobia is real and present in our daily lives. Go to every hotel in the States and there is almost never a floor with the number 13 in it. Or ask them about why the Apollo 13 mission went wrong.

Myth or not, Friday the 13th is cool ad-on to our modern culture. It makes people look for a little history or learn new words ( like Triskaidekaphobia). I learned I'm not trikaidekaphobic. But if you are... What if the love of your life is waiting for you today on the 13th street's cafe? What if it's a myth after all? How could you miss the opportunity of enjoying another day of your live because of an irrational fear? I mean, It's irrational! So, get up you there and do something fun this Friday the 13th and you'll find is not that unlucky after all.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Welcome, Sebastian André!

I just wanted to welcome, my New "Nephew", Sebastian André!

On October 2, 2006, three weeks before expected, Sebastian André Lopez Guzman made his entrance to this world. He is the second son of my beloved cousin (but loved like a sister) Patricia and her husband Teddy Lopez. His 3-and-a-half-years brother Diego (my godson) is "fiebru" with his new little "toy" and his "titi" is crazy about him!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Rules for Work

A friend sent me this 13 sarcastic Rules for work. I read them, and I had the same feeling I had when I read Dilbert: "Do they have a spycam in my office?". I felt the author's sarcasm. I could see all the times that those statements have been my sarcstic statements. Want to know what I'm talking about? Here are the...

"Rules for Work:

1. Never give me work in the morning. Always wait until 4:00 pm and then bring it to me. The challenge of a deadline is refreshing.

2. If it's really a rush job, run in and interrupt me every 10 minutes to inquire how it's going. That helps.Even better, hover behind me, and advise me at every keystroke.

3. Always leave without telling anyone where you're going. It gives me a chance to be creative when someone asks where you are.

4. If my arms are full of papers, boxes, books, or supplies, don't open the door for me. I need to learn how to function as paraplegic and opening doors with no arms is good training in case I should ever be injured and lose all use of my limbs.

5. If you give me more than one job to do, don't tell me which is priority. I am psychic.

6. Do your best to keep me late. I adore this office and really have nowhere to go or anything to do. I have no life beyond work.

7. If a job I do pleases you, keep ir a secret. If that gets out, it could mean a promotion.

8. If you don't like my work, tell everyone. I like my name to be popular in conversations. I was born to be whipped.

9. If you have special instructions for a job, don't write them down. In fact, save them until the job is almost done. No use confusing me with useful information.

10. Never introduce me to the people you're with. I have no right to know anything. In the coporate food chain, I am plankton. When you refer to them later, my shrewd deductions will identify them.

11. Be nice to me only when a job I'm doing for you could really change your life and send you straight to manager's hell.

12. Tell me all your little problems. No one else has any and it's nice to know someone is less fortunate. I especially like the story about having to pay so many taxes on the bonus check you received for being such a good manager.

13. Wait until my yearly review and THEN tell me what my goals SHOULD have been. Give me a mediocre performance rating with a cost of living increase. I'm not here for the money anyway."

Do you feel paranoic now?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


"Barranquitas (bahr-rahn-KEE-tahs) is a small mountain town located in the central region, north of Aibonito and Coamo; south of Corozal and Naranjito; east of Orocovis and west of Comerio. Barranquitas is spread over 6 wards and Barranquitas Pueblo (The downtown area and the administrative center of the city).

Barranquitas is about one hour by winding roads from San Juan, the capital. It is nestled amid hills and mountains, and nearby, between Barranquitas and Aibonito, is located the "cañon de San Cristobal" (Canyon of San Cristopher); one of the deepest canyons in the Indies." --Wikipedia

But for those who have had the honor to be there, we know it's much more than that. Barranquitas looks like an small Italian town, beautiful town, so full of culture and heart. It's known as "La Cuna de Proceres", Cradle of Great People, because it's the home of Luis Muñoz Rivera, Clara Lair, Jose Berrios Berdecia, among others, whom have been imortalized thru their writings, politics contributions, and great music.

I grew up loving that town, at the point that I tell everyone I'm "Barranquiteña" (Barranquiteña - name for Barranquitas' female...hehehe). I physically lived in Orocovis, but my heart always belonged to Barranquitas. My entire family is from there and proud of it...From them I learn that love. I had some great memories...Walking thru the town streets, eating Ice Cream at the small shop near the plaza, sitting at the plaza, the museums, Artisan's Fair (La Feria de Artesanias, the best and the oldest one in PR, may I add), the mountains, the fresh air, ...the people. If you haven't been there, you are missing a little piece of heaven...

Although, I can't visit it as much as I want, I always have it in my heart and when somebody ask me where I came from...I'll always said...I'm Barranquiteña!

Town Plaza and Catholic Church

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

27 on the 27th!

The past August 27, 2006, I turned 27. Wow! Already 27? But if it looks like it was yesterday, I graduated from High School. Time Flies! But, It was my BIRTHDAY!!! And if you know me, you know I just LOVE Birthday...Mine or somebody else's. I think that Birthdays should be always celebrated. I mean, you have to celebrate that you lived another year!!! It's a big thing! Anyways, I tried to make everybody feels special about it!

But this year, I felt different. Days before my birthday, I was feeling "blue". I was with no inspiration or desire to plan my own birthday...I didn't know why. But my wonderful friends and boyfriend, noticed my "blue state" and took over my day.

My celebration started @10pm of the 26th. My Boyfriend took me to "Playita Azul" at Cabo Rojo, and we waited my birthday day there, like a New Year's celebration. In the morning, he went to my house and prepared me my favorite breakfast, omelets! We played a little of Age of Mythology (one of my favs, too) until 2pm, when part of the "Tribu" took over my home. We called it Sharma's BBQ/Home warming/Birthday Party. They prepared everything, decoration, cake, appetizers, everything! I didn't have to do ANYTHING. It was kind of weird (in a very good way), because I'm a control freak and a "Master Planner" as Goni says. So, leaving them prepare everything was part of the fun.

For the BBQ there was homemade Hamburgers, Tuscan style Hamburgers ...Made by Christian...There were so good!!! Well, you can tell for my face in the photo.

Jen's Mom made the cake. It was a beautiful and delicious CHOCOLATE CAKE! They even put 27 candles on it. "Should I use a fire extinguisher?" Maybe not yet! But it looked scary...hehehe

The "theme" was something like Hawaiian and because Goni don't like birthday hats (he was buying the decoration :) ), everybody was wearing a mini Leigh...Except mine... Mine was huge!

^All the guys @ the Party (a chunk of "La Tribu")........

^Me with my sweet Boyfriend, OBI!!

^Remember this?

Jennilee found "Sorpresitas" as party favors. They are this envelopes (like you see in the photo) that has one candy and one small toy. They used to sell those @ school when we were little. Surprise was that they are @ the same price, $0.15!!! Everybody went crazy with them. "OMG! Do they still sell those?... Remember when....?" was the reaction every time somebody entered the house and saw them. She got one for everybody and here is the pic of everybody showing their prices!
I had an amazing time with everybody, it was real fun. I reassured how blessed I am for having such amazing friends and family. The party, the lots of calls from loved ones, the memories...It was exactly like I wanted! THANK YOU!!!
A 27-year-old Me