Monday, November 27, 2006


Yesterday, after 12 years of absence, Aerosmith (my FAVORITE BAND - may I add) had a concert in Puerto Rico. Me, of course had to be there I went! I'm a member of the AeroforceOne, the band fan club (yeah, I'm a groupie, but only for them) since 1993. So, as soon I found out that they were coming...I got the tickets through the fan page. The seats were great...second row on the left side of the stage.

The show was great! Some people complained about they not singing some of the "known" hits. For me, a true fan, everything went PERFECT. The night began with the local band Vivanativa. but their performance where shut because they didn't want to get out of the stage, literally. After the traditional wait for change equipment, a Grey curtain was covering the stage...a mix of more recent hits were played at the same time a slide show was presenting group photos...
They opened the show with Toys in the attic, an oldie, followed by Walking the Dog...
They sang Eat The Rich, Cryin', What It Takes, Baby Please, Stop Messin', Seasons of Wither. This last one was sang from the finished of the catwalk...
and a mix of snow and laser beams made it perfect! It was followed by Dream On, also played in the catwalk. Back to Saddle, Devil's got a new disguise (a new single), Livin' on the Edge, Sweet Emotion, Draw The Line. After this one, they made a false exit, to come back minutes later and sang ..Love in the Elevator and their signature guitar opening...Walk This Way.

Some of the people here complained about how short it was (1 hour and 45 min approx) and the set list. Yeap, it could be true...after waiting for 12 years to see them again, you want only your favorites. But the selection is part of the tour theme and they were also hits but a little old. I LOVED THE matter what! I was so close of them...I couldn't believe it! I have to see the photos and small videos that I took that they to believe it! It was surreal! ...But Worth every PENNY!

Here are some photos...

Well...I found a way to describe the hole thing....MasterCard Add style!
Aerosmith Fan Club membership: $60
Second Row Tickets Package:$500
Gas to go from Mayaguez To Cupey and Tren Urbano Trip from Cupey to Hato Rey: $13
See your Favorite band-Aerosmith-LIVE: Priceless

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I had a Nintendo Entretainment System

This weekend was a weekend of bliss for all the Hardcore gamers: Two major consoles were released - Nintendo Wii and PS3. Each one with its unique set of mind-blowing features, from wireless connectivity to gyro-motion sensors. Each one promises to make a big leap on the gaming world. Being a player myself, this is a very anticipated moment. Which made me think about how this "world", the gaming world has evolved...and I've been there since almost the beginning...I HAD a Nintendo Entertainment System.

Yeap, and proud of it! I played the real console. Not the emulator on the PC or PSP. 8-bit gaming, text-base "movies", 6-option controllers! I played Mario, Duck Hunt, the original Metal Gear, Contra, and my favorite THE LEGEND OF ZELDA! They required a lot of imagination to play them...but how cool we thought they were and how many hours did we "lose" playing them...

Do you remember this Screen?

Or This one?
Didn't you hate that dog...and try to shoot him?

And my ultimate-all-time-favorite... THE LEGEND OF ZELDA!

Years have passed and the games don't look the same anymore. I still play them...well I have a game cube now, a DSLite and a Game boy SP...Yeap still a Nintendo girl, as long as they own the Zelda rights. I just love that guy!..hehehe. I know everyone is waiting to have a PS3, I'm just dying to try the wiimote and have the nintendo-gyromotion-wireless expirence...What can I say? I'm a Nintendo Girl!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


To those who know me, you'll know that I'm part of a Group called La Tribu (The Tribe). And you may wonder...What is that?....Well, here it is a well deserved TRIBUte to true friendship, to family...To us!


2001 was the year, July the month...The day...Well it doesn't matter any more. We were a wild bunch, some of us knew each other...The other...Well we were just helping Madeline with the crazy idea of a themed conference to make it more interesting...I was a former 4th year student (ok, It was my 5th year). I worked w/ Madeline training our "collaborators" in the Freshmen Week. It was Madeline's first time as counselor and my 4th working in this (Quite a couple!). She just recruited this bunch of her "UNIV" students (Side Note: UNIV is a Freshmen class, taught by the Counselor, where you learn how to survive your college years). They were her "freshmen", her first group. So, you can guess they were special already. When I first saw them, I never knew...

They were my light at the end of the tunnel (no, no the one that comes from a train). They arrived in my live in the right moment, and without knowing it they changed me, for good. I was in a 5-years-almost-married relationship. I wasn't happy anymore, but if you have been in a long-term relation ship, you know it's hard to end it, no matter how sure you are it should end. You think things like: "My family already knows him and likes him", "How I'm going to tell everyone, our family, our friends?", or the worst "What if I'm wrong?". Thank God, I knew them during that time. That Freshmen week, I had a taste of the kind of Collage life that I wanted, and was not having. I like to say they "saved" me from being a Grumpy Girl, maybe married with somebody I didn't love, regretting...

So, from Freshmen Week 2001, and because we were like 15 crazy guys hanging together all the time, La Tribu was born. Some have left, some have been intagrated and are as if they were there from the begining. But, no matter what...We are LA TRIBU. If you know us you can see that we are the most different people you could ever meet, but we have so much in common. We could have fun just being together in the same place( no appliances needed), have intellectual discussion about politics and religion, or just laugh until everybody is crying or with stomach pain with the Korean Girls Video on Youtube...The best part? All of that without the influence of any drugs or alcohol...hehehe. We are just crazy and FUN loving people who loooove to be together.

Somebody once said that you made life-lasting friends during your Collage years. We are a living proof of that. Now, our lives are taking different paths, some are in Atlanta studying, others are working, others will be gone too. I was scared at first. But, then I realize that this kind of friendship couldn't be broken easily. You need more than distance to keep us apart...

So here is a TRIBUte to friendship, to family, to us...TRIBU, you know who you are...Thanks for the memories, the fun afternoons, the comfort when I was in despair, the movie nights, the Tribu-trips, the ice cream, the Tribu-parties, the support, the photos...THE FRIENDSHIP...THE INCONDITIONAL LOVE...THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!! ....I LOVE U ALL TRIBUte is complete without some greatest Tribu moments. So here are some of the pictures:
^The first Tribu photo

^Having fun during a hurricane
^One of the many tribu dinners
^@Cabo Rojo's Placita
^@Aguadilla Ice Skating
^@Justas 2006
^@Toro Negro Rainforrest

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fallece Fico López

- Puerto Rico hoy llora la partida de uno de los grandes...Federico "Fico" Lopez. Ex- armador de la seleccion nacional de Baloncesto...Una gloria para Puerto Rico. Que descance en PAZ!! Aqui esta la noticia segun salio en el periodico El Nuevo Dia de ayer, Noviembre 6, 2006.

Fallece Fico Lopez
Por: Hiram Alberto Torraca/El Nuevo Dia
(Nov 6, 2006 - 10:38pm)

"EL EX ARMADOR de la Selección Nacional, Fico López falleció esta noche de un fulminante ataque cardiaco mientras participaba de una actividad deportiva en el Caparra Country Club.

Irónicamente, López murió en la cancha que lleva su nombre y donde recibió un merecido homenaje a principios de este año. También fue el lugar en donde comenzó sus pasos en el deporte a la edad de nueve años.

López fue uno de los principales jugadores del País en la década del ochenta y miembro del quinteto Nacional desde mediados de esa década al 1992.

En el 1990, fue escogido el mejor armador del Mundial celebrado en Argentina en el que Puerto Rico finalizó en la cuarta posición.

En el Baloncesto Superior Nacional, López fue un baluarte de los Mets de Guaynabo, formando junto a su cuñado Mario 'Quijote' Morales una de las parejas más productivas de la liga.

López se retiró en el 1995 luego de ganar un campeonato en el 1989 y varios subcampeonatos, el último en el 1993. Tras su retiro tuvo una breve incursión como dirigente de los Capitalinos de San Juan y en los últimos años se dedicó a trabajar con el talento joven y a dirigir el equipo master de Puerto Rico.

“Estoy muy triste... es un gran pérdida. A Fico lo conocí desde niño y era casi como un hijo para mí. Esto es algo que no quiero creer”, dijo el presidente de la Federación de Baloncesto de Puerto Rico, Hetin Reyes.

“Fico fue el armador por excelencia y la base de los mejores equipos y actuaciones que ha tenido Puerto Rico en su historia. Su llegada a la Selección en el 1985 junto a la explosión de Piculín Ortiz, nos llevó a otro nivel. Pero lo más importante es que fue un ser humano excepcional, un gran compañero y un caballero dentro y fuera de la cancha”, agregó Reyes con mucho pesar."

Friday, November 03, 2006

¿Me convertire en un cerebro q se fuga?

Quien a pasado por el departamento de Electrica y Computadoras a escuchado al profesor Jose Luis Cruz hablar de la famosa fuga de cerebros. ¿Qué es eso? Pues nada mas y nada menos q lo q ocurre masivamente cada mayo y/o cada diciembre en nuestro amado Colegio. Miles de estudiantes universitarios puertorriquenos, especialmente graduados en ingenieria, deben dejar su amada islita para buscar un mejor futuro en los Estados Unidos. Todo porque en su islita no existe terreno para ellos desarrollarese. So, se crea el fenomeno de la "Fuga de Cerebros".

Yo siempre he creido en el potencial de mi Isla para poder desarrollarse en el area de Nueva Tecnologia. Tanto asi q desidi quedarme y arriegarme aqui en la isla. Un cerebro menos q se fuga. Entre a trabajar a Commoca, Inc, una "high-tech start up", q en buen español seria una compania q esta empezando...un riesgo. Pero desde mi punto de vista una aventura! Mi salario no era el mejor pero es bueno. Pero q mejor satisfaccion q estar aportando a la economia puertorriqueña? Dos años y medio han pasado, y aqui estoy. Sintiendo q ya es hora de cambiar...pensando lo imaginable...convertirme en un cerebro q se fuga.

Me siento un poco estancada profesionalmente y creo q es tiempo de un cambio. Son muchas emociones juntas. Compre casa recientemente, tengo nuevo sobrino, mi papa se retiro, mi novio no a termindo...todas esas cosas vienen a la mente cuando uno tiene q tomar una desicion asi. Pero eso es normal, creo. Es un camino desconocido, algo nuevo, un nuevo comenzar...y por mas miedo q tenga necesito ese cambio. Tengo amigos en Atlanta...y es la ciudad q me llama la atencion. Tendre la oportunidad de visitarla este enero ( en pleno invierno) pero podre ver si me gusta o no, aunque no es lo mismo vivir alli.

So, ¿seré un cerebro q se fuga? No se aún, pero es una posibilidad q cada vez parece mas real. A lo mejor me toca ser un cerebreo q regresa. Uno de esos q se va para aprender como es la vida al otro lado y llenarse de cosas nuevas para luego regresar con mas heramientas para meter mano. Para aportar al paí una buena forma de verlo...Pero aún queda la preg al aire, preg q solo Dios me contestara en el momento preciso, ni un minuto más ni uno menos...¿Seré un cerebro q se fuga?