Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11, 2001...I remember!

I remember September 11, 2001. My fifth year of Computer Engineer. I was @ the Campus cafeteria, talking to Ida when Gisy came almost hysterical, asking me to take her phone and talk to her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was trying, anxiously, to tell her that two "small planes" just crashed the twin towers. She didn't understood and thought he just CRASHED his car. When I talked to him, I was like: "Yeah, Chris. Stop listening to those radio staions" but he replyed: "i'm listening one of the serious one". "Are you for real?".

We practicaly run to the third floor of the cafeteria building, because they have a big TV there, "Maybe they know something and the news are on". The third floor of the student Center in my collage is one of the loudest places at the AM. When we arrived, the TV was on and the place was packed but there was this cryptical silence. It really got to me: "This is serious". Everybody was trying to understand what was happening. And then,...the first tower fell. Just a big gasp was heard. Nobody could believe what they was seeing. One of the biggest building in the world, fell. My heart stop for a moment,...thinking:"What's happening? Why the towers? What the h....?".

The second tower fell...

My eyes filled with tears. I felt the pain!

After, that I was like a zombie. My heart couldn't believe it. My brain couldn't process what was happening. Fortunatly, nobody that I know was on either towers, but I could feel the pain and suffering...We went to lunch, to Buffalo's Cafe @ the food court near the campus, everything was so quite. All the TVs in the food court had the news on, and all the people having lunch was sitting around them. It was a Tuesday, buffalo's wings special($0.25 each), normally a very busy and noisy day @ Buffalo's. Not that day not September 11th, all you could see were glommy and surprised faces. Everybody was in shock. Nobody could believe it. I never have seen the place like it...It was a very sad way.

When I got home, and saw the replay on the news,...I started crying, I cried not only for the victims but for their families...I couldn't imagine the feeling of loosing a loved one in something like that...I cried...

5 years have passed. Today...5 YEARS! And still feel that chest pain when I see the clips of what happend...

Why I deside to write this NOW? Well because, those people shouldn't be forgoten. Those feelings shouldn't be forgotten. We are still in a war, a war that nobody understands. More American are dying now, that those in the towers...More familes are suferring everyday. My heart is still in pain... My eyes are still filled with tears...I remember...Do you?

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