Monday, October 29, 2007

Project #6: The Final Frontier

WOW! It's only 3 weeks till the end of the quarter already. Time flies! Almost finished with my first quarter in this crazy adventure that I've been enjoying so far. With the end approaching it also comes the time for Final projects, and Studio Craft is not the exception.

For the Final Project we get to choose basically what we want to do. I decided to work with portraits again. I liked that from the last project and I really want to get good at working the strobes light. The concept will be "Childhood Memories", recreating common scenes from childhood, but instead of using kids, I'll be using adult posing like kids. My sweet friends accepted my offer and idea and they'll pose for me. I have three basic poses to start with:

1) One of my friend, Jen, has this cute, fluffy sheep and I imaged her holding it close to her eyes. Something like this:

2) Another Friend of mine, Vanessa, loves candy. So it will be fun to use that to make a picture something like this:

3) Jorge and Aida will be recreating that time when boys tease girls. I image a shot in which Jorge is pulling Aida's breaded hair.

4) I would like to try to work with bubbles. I know its going to be a little hard, but maybe if the first shots turned out well on time, I'll play with the bubble to try something like this.

I'll be using the strobe kit and the Canon 5D for this shot. Tomorrow I'll be checking my models wardrobes and some of the prob (lolly pop, sheep, etc) to determine the kind of background I'll need (at least color wise). Since its a "kidish" shot, I think bright colors would set up a better mood...We'll see!

Friday, October 26, 2007

The making of a Portrait

This past Wednesday, Beatrice and I had the opportunity of directing a Portrait Shoot as part of our project #5 for the Studio Class. As you already know, our model was my friend Goñi. We set up the studio like this:

The professor helped us set up the lights since there was our first time working with them. We made our light readings (60 secs @ f11) and set up the main light with the soft box in front to get a glamour like shot. Some of the examples...

We changed the main light to try out other types of shot. We did some with that lighting but decided that we like the glamour best.

We had a lot of fun and learned a lot about how to meter light and work them out. I found out that I love to work with people and expression more than working with things. It harder but I like it! I can't wait to start working on the final project that will be portraits too. But that's another post...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Project #5 - Portraits ...some changes

There have been some changes since my last post about my next shoot. Instead of painting the self-portrait in the hand, we decided to make some sort of half mask. The background will be a white flat sheet. First, We'll take 3 photos using the 3 basic lighting styles: Glamour/butterfly, Broad and Short. To see the effect, there will not be a change in the pose. Then, we'll play with different poses all of them including Head & shoulder area. Some ideas for the poses:

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Project #5 - Portraits

For this assignment, I think I'll work alone. I'm interested in explore my capabilities of producing a great shot by myself. It sounds kind of selfish but I want to loose the fear to unknown and new things...all by myself.

For this I asked my friend, who is an Illustration Grad Student here at SCAD, to pose for me. I asked him because I think we could mix our skills to make a good work. He'll will draw part of his face in his left hand and then will put it in his face. Something like this:

His painted hand will complete his covered face. I'm not thinking in changing the pose but the lights. Maybe try different angles or difusion of the light.

Project #4 - Electronics

This last project was about shooting a desk with a constant light source like a lamp, a clock, etc. I was teamed up with David and Richard what makes me feel a little bit overwhelm since both of them have a lot of experience doing shots already. Our theme for the shoot was a "Photographer's Desk". We set up my MacBook and a Light box as the sources, and strobes kit as our lights. Since we had different light sources and each one had it's own intensity we had to figure out a way to make them all show good. Click here to see video of Richard explaining the process.

Here are some shots from that day:

And the Final product...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Some examples ...

Here are some tests of my assignments for Studio Craft class: one digital and two scanned 4x5 polaroids from the projects so far. All the set up was done by us. We learned pretty good tricks on the way, like that sand is no so photogenic, so you use breadcrumbs instead. The same with the dirt, coffee looks better. We used both for the #2.

Proj#1 Monochromatic: White on White

Proj #2 Metals

Proj #3 Glass

I'm pretty excited with this class. I never thought it was THAT amount of work on a studio, so many details that have to be taken care of. But I like the experience...Next project: Recreate a desk of someone ( A writer, a doctor, etc)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Project #3: Glass

The third project for the Studio Class consist in taking a picture of Glass. We thought about taking a picture of Wine glass. Here are some ideas for it:

We decided to something similar to the last one. I like the composition in it and how the wine makes a contrast with the background. White Zifandel will look good in it. It kind of soft color, It'll look good not to dark in the picture.

We will be shooting next Monday, using a 4x5 camera again with a 64T chrome color film. The team this time is formed by Jason and me only. If we accomplish the goal for the class, maybe I venture a little more further and try to shoot couple more making a close-up to the glass as the second example. Let's see!