Monday, January 29, 2007


Last Friday, I became the proud owner of one of the so-long-searched Nintendo console...THE WII! I love video games, especially if they have a "The Legend of Zelda" game in it. Yeah, I'm that freak. But...guess what?.... I love it!!!!

This new console promises to be a new step in the Game play experience. It hard to explain, if one of those things that you need to feel to know. It reacts to your movements in games like tenis, bowling, and baseball. "Adios" to the days in which you didn't exercise playing video games, with the Wii you do feel it. Believe me. You have to stand up to play most of the games.

It feels funny at first, because you feel kind of stupid until you realize that the control or "Wii-mote" reacts to your movements. There is where the true fun begins.

Since its launch, the comparison with the PS3 haven't ceased. They are two different experiences. If you want a console/multimedia equip "with all the powers"(like we say in PR) and you are super fan of Grand Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, or Final Fantasy (among others) you buy a PS3. But if you only want a game console in which you can have fun with your friends or a Wii. They target two different markets.

Later I will add some pics of me and my wii...

Monday, January 22, 2007

Black Friday

Last Friday, January 19, 2007, was one of the hardest days of my life. The company for what I've been working the past 3 years, announced that they have to lay-off almost half of their employees. For a small company like ours....THAT'S A LOT!

Before anything else, let me give a little brief on the company. It is a software applications, start-up company that was founded in 2002. We had, until Friday, 25 employees. The hidden goal of the company was trying to establish a Local Software company, hoping that other follow and our engineering students don't have to "elope" to the States. Well, apparently it is harder that we thought or the financial personnel (umm, Do we have any?) are not good enough. The company is having struggles with money since June 2006, where some of us had to take forced vacations. We thought that we were recovering from that, but apparently we were going deeper. The Board decided to lay off 9 of its employees...

That day, you could feel a heavy feeling, almost impossible to breath...everybody was on stress and wondering who was going to be lay-off...The leads decided that they will tell us by individual meetings...But the tension was so big that nobody was working. We decided to go outside and talk and relax ...One by one were entering and going. If the person was carrying their things, he was a goner...otherwise he will stay...but for how long?...I don't know if I was lucky or not but I was one of the keepers. I'm staying... for now.

Since that day, something snapped inside me. A feeling of getting out. I started a thinking process about my dreams, how i picture myself in the near future. An internal search began...A new journey. I remembered that I wanted to study, to get my masters. I was playing with the idea of moving to Atlanta...Maybe this "Black Friday" was the answer to my prayers. Maybe if that didn't happened, I would never feel the strength to follow my dreams. Don't get my wrong, I loved my job...but I think is time for a change...a time to try new things...everything is making sense now!

For the first time in my life, I'm not afraid of the possibility of change. I've been waiting for it...So, I'M READY...Bring it ON!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Wedding of the YEAR!

The Past December 23rd, 2006, two of my best friends got married. Gisy and Christian swore eternal love in front of all their family and friends. I was one of the bridesmaids. A great honor for me and it gave me the excuse to spend all my free time around the lovely bride...hehe. Our Wedding weekend, began with a well deserved afternoon in the Beauty Saloon. Pedicure, manicure, and some hairdo...a relax time...Gisy was the more relaxed bride that I ever met. I think she did realize it was her wedding until the very end. Everybody was so surprised seeing her so relaxed.

The next morning I got up very early to set my wedding present, chocolates! We took them to the reception site and off we went to the beauty salon for the real deal! Everybody was more stressed out than Gisy...everybody! Even the beauty. Imagine your 5 mayor beauticians being occupied for hours with ALL the bridal party. After getting out the beauty, we went to get ready. I couldn't wait to see her in her bridal gown. I saw her on the fittings, but it's not the same. She looked awesome!

When we arrived to the church, the bride was on time but the wedding before ours wasn't finished yet. So, the bride had to be hide until the other wedding finished. The ceremony went very well, pretty, and emotional. But by my surprise I didn't cry. I think that the happiness were bigger, no need for tears!...Anyways, the ceremony passed so fast. Christian was so nervous but Gisy was smiling all the time. It was pretty neat see the opposite reactions in both of them.

After the ceremony, we were sooo ready for the party. Hello, that wedding was also a reunion. So, we wanted to have fun. When we arrived, a yummy table full of food was waiting for us. And we wait, and wait, and wait. I know everything was going TOOOO smooth....the DJ was MIA and we needed the sound to start with the protocols. But that doesn't kept us of having a great night. It was a special night, we were celebrating LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and FAMILY. Those lovebirds joined their live together, and wanted us to be their witnessed...the way they looked at each other, their hugs, they holding was magic!.

There are tons of photos of the wedding...we went crazy! We took every kind of photo. Especially the ones that imortalize what happens @ the tables... the things that the newlyweds always miss. So, I'm very glad there was like 4 cameras there...and I hope Gisy and Chris love the photos too.

Here are some of those photos...

In my opinion, the wedding was a HUGE SUCCESS. And I wish them a very prosperous life together...

Gisy, Chris:
Remember always how much you love each other, remember the feeling when you saw each other in the church, remember how you find yourself in each other eyes...remember, even in the darkest hours...and you'll be truly happy...I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!


Thursday, January 04, 2007

TRIBU Reunited!

The past December 21, 2006, I had the pleasure to receive at my home my Tribu people for our traditional Tribu Xmas Party. It was so cool to have all my friends here and feel like as we were together all this time. We had a our dinner, puertorrican dinner: Rice , pork, potato salad, and green salad. Ingrid's cookies, my lazy cheesecake, chocolates covered strawberries and lollie pops, Nilee's oatmeal & chocolate cookies, and more were the dessert...two words...SUGAR RUSH!!!

After the food...the gift exchange started...Jokes, gifts, smiles, "paveras"....all happended that night. The best part of the night was when I realize that no matter how long we are away from each other, when we get together is like no time has passed.

Here are some photos!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007