Tuesday, April 10, 2007

SCAD Application...May the force be with you!

Today I sent the remaining papers for my application to Savannah College of Arts and Design(SCAD). Now, it comes the worst part...WAITING! As a compulsive planner as I am, this is just torture, worse than Chinese. I wish I could KNOW the outcomes to start planning the rest of my life (or at least the rest of my year!). But, somebody said:"Patience is a virtue" a one that I don't have for waiting and certainly not for this future-determine-waiting.

"Que sea lo q Dios quiera!" (God's Will?) - I just prayed while I was giving the 8x10 Express Mail envelope to the postman "Whatever you want, My GOD!"-I just kept saying. So, now I have to wait like 5 weeks for an answer. I just ask for understanding of whatever the results are, and keep going an fighting for what I want...Meanwhile, I still have some planning to do, because I just decided I'm moving to Atlanta. Planning a moving and a Well-deserve Orlando trip can keep my head of the SCAD thing...Let the planning begins!!!

...Stay tuned for updates!

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