Friday, April 27, 2007

"Congratulation on your acceptance to SCAD!"

That was the words of my Admission Counselor this afternoon. I've been accepted to SCAD to study my Masters in Photography. I'm so exited and scared at the same time. But sure that this is what I want to do NOW! So, let the Ride BEGIN!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What kind of Mythological Creature are u?

I found this in the internet...It's cool.

You Are a Mermaid

You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you're flakier than you actually are.
While your head is often in the clouds, you'll always come back to earth to help someone in need.
Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational.
You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Is that a Student ID #?

Today, I received an email from the SCAD Financial Aid Department asking me to mail two forms for the loans. But reading the letter I noticed a 9-digit number. It looked like a student number. Could it be?

I called Goñi, my mentor in this process, and asked him how his student ID looks like. And guess what? Mine looks like an official student id # number from SCAD! I know, I know I should wait until the Admission Package arrive but I couldn't help it. I have to know. So, I called my Admission Counselor. She just told me that I'm still been reviewed, that I have to wait. Bummer! Did I mention that I hate waiting? Well, maybe this is my lesson. LEARN TO WAIT!

A 9-digit number. How much a 9-digit number can mean for someone...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

SCAD Application...May the force be with you!

Today I sent the remaining papers for my application to Savannah College of Arts and Design(SCAD). Now, it comes the worst part...WAITING! As a compulsive planner as I am, this is just torture, worse than Chinese. I wish I could KNOW the outcomes to start planning the rest of my life (or at least the rest of my year!). But, somebody said:"Patience is a virtue" a one that I don't have for waiting and certainly not for this future-determine-waiting.

"Que sea lo q Dios quiera!" (God's Will?) - I just prayed while I was giving the 8x10 Express Mail envelope to the postman "Whatever you want, My GOD!"-I just kept saying. So, now I have to wait like 5 weeks for an answer. I just ask for understanding of whatever the results are, and keep going an fighting for what I want...Meanwhile, I still have some planning to do, because I just decided I'm moving to Atlanta. Planning a moving and a Well-deserve Orlando trip can keep my head of the SCAD thing...Let the planning begins!!!

...Stay tuned for updates!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Happy 6 Months, Sebastian Andre!

Yesterday, my beautiful 2nd godson celebrated his 6 months. Last week he was hospitalized because of a pulmonary infection. But thanks God he is all well and happy again. So, this 6 months celebration came in a very good moment. Here are some picture of his last day at the hospital and his celebration Yesterday.