Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Our Story...

This post is dedicated to my sweet love...Obed! My Boyfriend and my best friend. We met 5 years ago in the Orientation Week @ UPR-Mayaguez. He approached to me in the food area at the Pool Party, and introduced himself: "Hola, Me llamo Obed! Cuantas veces te han dicho q tienes unos ojos brutales?"(Hi, My name is Obed. how many times did somebody has tell you that you have a gorgeous eyes?). He was cute (still is ^_^). But he just wanted a new friend with cool eyes and I had a 5-yr-almost-wedding boyfriend.

That week, we shared a lot of cool moments and became friends...In those years were when the "La Tribu" was born. Our crazy group of friends, all different but so loved...but that's another post. Anyways, after several months, breaking up with my BF and gotten my heart broken...Something clicked inside me: "Am I in love with my friend?"

The internal fight began:"You can't be in love w/ your friend, I mean, HE'S YOUR FRIEND!!", and the inner fear of :"What if it doesn't work out and I loose a friend?". But, I give up...I preferred his friendship. We continue our friendship...but that wasn't the only thing that God wants us to continue...then...something clicked!

I remember the feeling when he took my hand the first time. It was a Thursday, Dec 6, 2001 (yeap, I have an excellent memory ;) ). We were looking for a friend of ours, his roommate. We were walking near Mayaguez Town plaza when he grabbed my hand...My heart stooped for a moment and then the fight started: " It means nothing, don't get your hopes up...but why it feels so different?...As the next days came...I confirmed...IT was different. The 10th arrived, and the first Tribu Xmas Party...after everyone left...He decided to stay and helped me clean a little bit...Sitting in my sofa...talking...our hands kept finding each other...until he grabbed mine and started playing with it. My heart melted...we kept like that, talking holding hands, wondering what would happened next...until we realize that it was 7am already!!!!

And Dec 12 arrived...And we didn't know what was happening..."Is this for real?". Several times that day we found in front of each other, looking into our eyes...and just kept walking. Until, we sat to talk and he asked me:"What a kiss would mean to you?" and I told hem:"The beginning of something, something or the end of something" And we kissed!...

Five years have passed of that kiss, and I still get butterflies when we kiss. We are pretty much a normal couple, with our ups and downs...but MORE ups than downs. He lets me grow, lets me spread my wings, lets me dream. He encourages me to be better, to be strong, but at the same time he is so tender and loving. I can't say I love him like the first day, because we both have grown and changed through these years. I love him more...I love him differently...I LOVE HIM!

So, Baby, Ob, My best friend, my love, THANKS for these years, for the good times and the bad ones too (it helped us mature). Thanks for your love, your support, and your words, even If I don't want to hear them. Thanks for being you...Thanks for LOVING ME...THANKS.....I LOVE YOU



Obi said...
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Obi said...

I pray to God "Our Story..." ends up happy. Thanks for loving me. You make me want to be a better person. You inspire me. I love you now and always.
