Sunday, February 18, 2007

Feliz CumpleaƱos, Ob!

Hoy cumpleanos unas de las personas mas importante ne mi vida, Ob!!!

LLegaste a la peseta!! Me estas alcanzando!!! Q Dios te bendiga con muchos mas...


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

History of Valentine's Day!

A little after Three Kings Day, you may notice how all the Xmas decoration disappears and the combination of red and white things appears instead, just before our eyes. Hearts, chocolates, plushes, cupids, cards fill the stores...But, have you ever wonder where all that come from? Who was St. Valentine's? Here two little legends...

"Legend has it that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century Rome. There was an Emperor at that time by the name of Claudius II who decided that single men made better soldiers than those that were married. Whit this thought in mind, he outlawed marriage for young men in hopes of building a stronger military base. Supposedly, Valentine, decided this decree just wasn't fair and chose to marry young couples secretly. When Emperor Claudius II found out about it, he had him put to death.
Another legend has it that Valentine was an imprisoned man who fell in love with his jailer's daughter. Before he was put to death he sent the first 'Valentine' himself when he wrote her a letter and signed it 'Your Valentine'."

History wise, there are various events that could lead of what is the modern celebration of Valentine's Day. In ancient Athens, this time was to celebrate Gamelion or the Zeus and Hera marriage. In the 1400 Paris, a special court was created to handle Women problems, like violence, divorces, etc. The court was elected by women after a poem reading among the candidates. During medieval days of chivalry, the names of English maidens and bachelors were puts into a box and draws out in pairs. Each couple exchanged gifts. The girl became the man's valentine for that year and he was bounded to attend and protect her.

Nowadays, Valentine's Day is very popular day among lovers. Millions of chocolates and cards are sell today. Its commonly associated to couples love. But it should be an expression of LOVE...any kind. So, no matter if you are with someone or not, you should celebrate it. Spend some time with your loves: friends, dads, moms, brothers, family, etc. Or just with yourself, doing something special. Remember that all you need is LOVE, love for your significant other, love for your family, friends, yourself. At the end, behind all the chocolate, LOVE ACTUALLY IS ALL AROUND...


Thanks for your unconditional love, for been there when I'm in need, for the strength, for the laughs and the tears, for the warming hugs, for the good and fun times, for the not so good ones. You know who you are...for everything you guys have done... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU - I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!! ( especially you - my sweetie!)